Friday, June 6, 2014

The Divine Feminine- Part 1 of 4 'From Fearful to Fearless'

This is me- The age of Ten & now at Forty-two.

Once upon a time there was a little girl. She was taught to avoid the eye of men... 
For fear they would want 'sex' from her. 
A deep belief took root. 
It told her to fear being beautiful and not draw attention to herself, or her body. 
Never had she felt beauty within. 
Not for many years, but only a glimpse or two. 

A pattern informs reality. 
Eating through emotional pain is real. 
A padding becomes a means of protection for unwanted attention from men. 
This blanket she wore and fed. 
Years of up's and down's, high's and low's, her body became thick and then thin. 
Over again around she ran, in circles and spirals that dim. 
Body slacken, bloated- and skin so tired... from such unloving thoughts... 
Growing old before her age, until she entered her higher Sage.

A slice of self love opened the door. 
Once the light on... adventure enlightens-
And does ROAR! 

Forty years of self-hate. 
Confusion about sex, power, beauty... 
And being a woman in this world,
Finally begins to unfurl it's grip.

True love immersed her heart and showed her how....
To break patterns of projecting insecurity, betrayal and fear. 
Challenges abide as trust becomes her stride. 
Through evoking her Highest Self...
And the great Divine Feminine force-
She breaks through to unveil and channel the source.

Fears melt away- as little steps do walk themselves. 
In trust in love.
In light she now walks.
A smile, a glide, a tenderness in her stride

With her inner goddess she does now flow.
Swaying her hips as she goes.

Dedicated to all of those who are fearful to allow the Divine Feminine to unfurl from their deepest bud.
May you awaken to the beauty and power that is sacred and all yours. <3