Saturday, July 27, 2013

Chunky Juicy Jelly - INNER THIGH

Chunky Juicy Jelly - INNER THIGH

Gotta love the jiggle-wiggle of the Inner Thigh! I've always had thick inner thighs. As a child my mother told me to rub talcum powder between my legs so they would not chafe. It worked. 

Love your Beautiful Body
Be Patient

At the age of 28 I weighed close to 200lbs. I dropped 60 of it after backpacking in Australia. For once in my life I could see through a gap between my upper legs. Over time I gained weight back, and lost it again several times. This caused many stretch marks in and around my inner thigh area, leaving the skin slack and loose. I never saw that gap again.When I became interested in tightening my derrière, I would stand naked in front of the mirror and pull up my butt cheeks from behind to see what my butt and body might look like. When I pulled up my butt cheeks, as to 'enact' a tighter tush, my inner thighs would disappear. Then I would let my booty slide down and my thighs would wobble together.

Do the Work
Let go of the Old ~ Embrace the New

After a year of incorportaing squats and an arsenal of booty exercises into my weekly workouts, the ass I thought truly had NO HOPE- has started to 'shape'-shift. As my butt has been toning up, I noticed my inner thigh area was not matching the positive results I was seeing from my booty workouts (of which I will share very soon!) I am excited to share one of my favorite inner thigh tighteners.  

Bellydancer Inner Thigh Workout

Next week I will share a delicious Recipe for goat cheese quesadillas plus a tummy workout that really helps to tighten loose- and slack stomach skin. You will need a resistance band to perform the next few exercises I post. If you are in America, you can purchase a resistance band with hand loops for around $5 at TJ MAX or ROSS. Unless you are ready to hit it hard, get a 'medium' tension resistance band. I love the hand loops with cushions on mine. See you soon <3

Much Love and Light
Tuesday May
I am not a certified nutritionist, doctor or therapist. Please consult your healthcare professional before participating in any
 lifestyle changes you may feel are questionable to your health. 
I am not responsible for any action you resume.
© Tuesday May Thomas 2013