Saturday, January 18, 2014

What do you want? Part 1

When you start working out, your body begins to change. I haven't always liked the changes my body has made, but with some adjustments in my workouts, I am getting more rapid results in the direction I want and you can too! Here are some tips to help you navigate the path of growing your Beautiful Body.

-Do you want a smaller waist?
Eat smaller portions more often with little or no 'white foods'.
See my post What to eat when working out.

-Do you want to keep your shoulders toned and sexy, but not too buff or bulky?
Stop doing 'shoulder press' exercises, especially a with weight machines. Any kind of heavy lifting that uses an upward motion with the shoulders will create bulk. Vinyasa yoga, planks, and push-ups will give you the definition you desire.

-Do you want to perform squats for your butt, and not your legs? Are your thighs shapely enough?... Don't want to add bulk? 
Squats work the hamstrings, thighs, quadriceps and glutes. It will change the game when you focus on your butt doing all the work. If you want to tackle one area specifically, focus on using primarily those muscles while performing the exercise. Avoid using weights until you are a focused muscle-isolator.

-Want longer, leaner looking limbs?
Do yoga. Stretch. Breathe. Take time to stretch several times a week. This lengthens the muscles and prevents them for becoming bulky. Longer holds are best. Breathe deeply.

-Want toned abs?
Hit your core from as many angles as possible. Crunches are just the beginning. Learn five tummy exercises, and then learn five more. Alternate them constantly. Perform the 'wood chopper' at the weight machine, or with a resistance band.

-Triceps need a lot of work? Slack skin, loose skin?
Forget working your biceps for now. All arm work will focus around strengthening the triceps. Once they begin to firm up- then introduce bicep drills.

-Want to protect your lower back and build core strength?
Always 'engage', or pull-in your abdomen when performing any kind of exercise. When this becomes
easier to do more often, do it when sitting at the office, in your car, computer, phone, standing in line, doing dishes......


I am not a certified nutritionist, doctor or therapist. 
Please consult your healthcare professional before participating in any
 lifestyle changes you may feel are questionable to your health. 
I am not responsible for any action you resume, You are- Make it pleasurable.
© Tuesday May Thomas 2013

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Energy Letters- A Healing Tool

Energy Letter from me to my body:

Dear Beautiful Body,

I am so very grateful you have healed from last year's car accident. While it was not a huge car accident (thank God), the rear-ending I received was enough to throw my back out of whack in two different places, and cause me much pain and suffering for many months. Thank you my strong back and bones, for re-aligning and allowing me to feel stronger than ever- right now. Thank you my neck for finally letting go of chronic pain and limited motion. Thank you elastin and collagen for supporting the healing of my healthy joints and bones.

When the 'accident' happened, it was very hard for me to slow down my physical workouts. It occurred during the last few months of working with my beloved trainer, Matt. We had to slow everything down he had been training me in, and basically perform baby moves. Ughhhh- It was so friggin frustrating! In fact- at the beginning, I had to stop exercising completely and only perform limited yoga. My body was in so much pain, and even though my spirit wanted to 'do' more- I knew I really couldn't push it if I wanted to give my body the chance to heal properly. 

Because I stopped working out as much, I started gaining weight again and any muscle mass I had created was slowly beginning to fade into flab. I was so depressed :( I cried a lot and told you how angry I was with you. I grew more and more impatient along my healing path. When my back would shut down in pain, I would scream at you "Why- why now? Why me?? What do you want?" Whenever I drove- I had a lurking fear that someone would rear-end me again. My body, You lived in a frightened state of expecting the worst thing to happen on the road. It took a long time to let go of those feelings. 

The accident brought up to the surface many hidden fears and insecurities I had about my life, about You- my body, and my relationships.... I didn't even know I was holding onto so much fear based thinking in life. There were issues hiding in You- my body. There were people in there too- connected to fears and insecurities. I realized they were holding me back and it was time to ask them to leave. Getting my spine 'thrown out' caused deep hidden fears to come up for healing. It was hella hard to look at these parts of myself. But now I know I wouldn't change a thing. Now I realize- if it were not for the accident, I probably would not have worked through my issues and would still be living in denial of so much self- love. Through the accident, I found freedom from within. Freedom from feeling hurt by people of my past, and I also found the freedom to really appreciate just how precious you are, and how special life is. 

Sometimes the 'worst things that can happen' act as a catalyst to propel us into a new dimension of appreciation of the most basic things we may take for granted; such as having the ability to walk freely, or to be able to jump around and participate in a dance or workout class, or to simply be free of pain and discomfort. Thank You Beautiful Body, for healing not only my muscles and bones, but for allowing me the opportunity to heal many deeper issues from my very core. 

Love, Tuesday May

The time I had to spend not working out was put to good use. After I got over being frustrated by my healing process, I decided to take action and write a list of people to forgive in my life, or those I needed to ask forgiveness from. I wrote each of them an 'Energy Letter' and put those letters in the mail. I then wrote Energy Letters to my body too and told it everything I hated about it, and then everything I appreciated about it. I got it all off my chest- and out of my body and mind.

Energy Letters are a powerful way to express yourself. You can create balance, healing, and call in closure. Often all we need to do is find a forum to express our feelings and let them out safely. This in itself is a healing.  If you like, you can start today and make peace with others in your life. Maybe you are not ready to speak directly to someone you have some beef with, but maybe you are ready to write an Energy Letter to them. Also, you do not need to be in a car accident or have something terrible happen to write Energy Letters. In fact, you can write Energy letters expressing how grateful you are to the great people or things in your life.

Energy LettersHow it works-
1) You write a letter to someone you seek to clear the air with, forgive, or ask forgiveness of, or just to get some things off your chest, or to maybe have closure with- like an ex.

2) When you write them, imagine you are writing to their higher self, from your higher self.... For Example you could open and close the letter; 'To Kevin's Higher Self'---- from Molly's Higher Self'. If you do not wish to put any names in the letter that is okay too. you can simply address it 'To Your Higher Self'... 'From My Higher Self'.  What is a 'Higher Self' you ask?  It's the part of them that is willing to listen and be nice to you- and the part of you that is willing to communicate and be nice to them too. The Higher Self is the part of us all that is full of compassion, patience and wisdom.

3) Get it all out. Okay, so even though we are 'being our Higher Self' and being 'nice' as stated above.. Sometimes you really need to tell it like it is without holding back. The Energy Letter is a safe place to do this. Write out everything you never said, or need to say again to this person and do not hold back. Get it all out.

4) Once you have written your letter. Read it three times and make sure you have expressed everything you need to for now. Take a deep breath in and out. ahhhhh

5) Fold the letter up, surround it with light and love (good positive energy) and place it into an envelope. Write on the front of the envelope- 'To Your Higher Self, From My Higher Self'. You can use their first name and your first name- but only if you really feel like it- aka; 'To Kevin's Higher Self'---- from Molly's Higher Self'. Don't worry if you don't- the healing will still work! Do not write any address on the envelope- but you may place a stamp on it if you like! A friend did this recently, as he felt it would help to expedite the energy of the letter!

6) Place the Envelope into the post box. That's right- mail the darn letter! Haha. Yes- say a prayer over it if you like- and then drop it into the mail box of your choice and let it go. Do this within 24 hours of writing your Energy Letter, it will be most potent that way.

What happens next?

Energy Letters are a way for you to express and provide yourself with much needed healing. You will feel better after you have mailed off your letter, I promise.  They key is to let go of expecting any outcome. You have done your part. Just let go and let yourself have a new beginning.

What about the person I wrote the Energy Letter to? What will happen to them?

Now, because we are writing letters to people's Higher Self- we are speaking to those parts of them that are willing to perhaps receive a healing too. We are reaching out to the wise aspect of the person in question- from the wise part of ourself. There is never any force of a will or weird manipulation of energy- ever. That is not how this tool works. We create our letters, speak from the heart.. let them go, and detach from expecting things to change. All you need to know is that YOU have taken steps of change in your life. From there- if the person you have written the letter to is open to receiving any of the healing from the words you share ENERGETICALLY in your letter- their Higher Self will soak in what you have shared and they may receive a healing too.

Some ideas for who you might write letters to-
Your Body now
Your Body from the past
Ex Boyfriend
Ex Girlfriend

Take Care and Keep Loving Your Beautiful Body!
Tuesday May

I am not a certified nutritionist, doctor or therapist. 
Please consult your healthcare professional before participating in any
 lifestyle changes you may feel are questionable to your health. 
I am not responsible for any action you resume, You are- Make it pleasurable.
© Tuesday May Thomas 2013